I am an Alphaville fan, this is known from everyone. As they do have a CD Graphics (CD+G) album called Alphaville – The Breathtaking Blue, this format is for me very precious for me.
There is another person with the same felling about the CD+G discs, I am talking about Orlando Arroyo, his name may not be familiar to you as it should be.
I meet Orlando back in 2004, when he was in search of all CD-G discs. This is when Le Monde du CD-i (now The World of CD-i) started to include all the collection in the data base.
Orlando Arroyo and his friend Steve Martin decided to create a website that include all CD+G discs ever created, the CD Graphics Museum, with videos (also available on there YouTube channel), screenshots and disc information.
You really should take a moment and visit this real museum dedicated to this forgotten CD format.
Orlando shared with us on our Facebook Support Group an historic picture from a magazine he can’t remember the name. You can see this picture at the top of this article.
This is a timeline that goes from 1877 until 1991, more than 100 years, and the Philips CD-i is the start that everyone is awaiting!
The CD-Graphics was a very expected format in the early 90’s, music album with pictures on screen that can play on any Audio-CD or CD+G player, with text appearing on screen to sing along. The Karaoke discs was about to born!
Philips couldn’t left this CD format out of the CD-i player and extend the wide list of compatibility that this interactive system offer.
Thank you Orlando! Thank you to preserve this format for future generations!