Today at 07.00pm (London & Lis bon), 08.00pm (Paris & Berlin) @WrestlesGaming and @RetroRGB are going to stream live about our beloved Philips CD-i on YouTube.
Live play of many games including Peacekeeper Gun titles!
Don’t miss it!
I really enjoy writing reviews, but when we are talking about different kind of titles, especially Multimedia ones, the need to share my experience with all of you is even bigger.
It took me two complete weeks to write it as we are talking about 4 titles. Tons of screenshots and image edition has been released to give you the best overview as possible of this very rare complete set of 4 titles.
I want you to feel just like you was playing the title yourself.
I was going crazy (literally) with those 4 titles… tons of screenshots and editing… which one is from which title… I don’t think I will review again 4 titles at the same time!
About them, many of you already know the existence of Iberoamerica – 500 Años Despues (500 Years After), this is a set of 4 titles sold separately:
Iberoamerica – Descubra un Continente
Iberoamerica – Descubra su Historia
Iberoamerica – Huellas del Futuro
Iberoamerica – Arte y Cultura Iberoamericana
This is a Spanish titles set produced by Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario and published by Philips Media Iberica in 1992.
It only could be him… Blazers…
Once again he came to our forum and rubbed it in our face his new entry into his personal collection.
A lot from Japan that includes a wallet with a CD-i player used to be rented (just like the ones in Europe) and many Japanese titles.
Looking at this lot, a particular title jumped into our eyes (and Blazers eyes), we are talking about Horoscope, from 1994. We still have to test it to define if it needs the DVC or not.
Besides this particular title, let’s take a look at the CD-i player, we are talking about a Japanese 205/11 model, using 100V power suply (normal to Japan). The CD-i 205 was the 1st model launched in Europe in 1992 so this model variant is from 1992 or 1993, made in Belgium and sold in Japan by Marantz (Philips bought Marantz in the 80’s).
We can see a difference in the DVC, usually you would read “Digital Video Cartridge for CD-i players”, but on this one you can read:
“This apparatus has been assembled with piece parts from the trial-run and thus not intended for measurement as it don’t meet the requirements of the specifications“.
Knowing that, we can define this specific player was not meant to be sold to public, or at least, the DVC came from the Philips testing department.
Now, Blazers needs to try the 205/11 with this specific DVC and verify if all titles that do need the Cartridge will work perfectly (I do believe so).
If in the USA the CD-i was in the beginning known as “The Imagination Machine”, then in the Japanese market, it was known as “The Super Home Media”.
Thank you Blazers 😉
We have in our possession since many years an absolute rarity title called Arte Rupestre no Vale do Côa.
This is a Portuguese commissioned and published by IPPAR (Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico) in 1995, a governmental institute and CITI (Centro de Investigação para Tecnologias Interactivas) was the selected company to make it to show in an interactive way Rock Art found in the Foz Côa Valley that you can discover here: Foz Coa Valley UNESCO World Heritage.
We tested this unique in its kind CD-i title called Exit 7.
This is an Harley-Davidson showcase full of videos… but not only…
Produced in 1993 by Master Communications, a Dutch company, all the videos have been shot in The Netherlands.
Let’s start from beginning, we are talking about a Digital Video Cartridge (DVC) optional title, that means if you play it on a CD-i player with and then without a DVC, you will see differences. Follow me to discover which ones.