Blazers… again… This guy keeps amazing me everyday…
This time we are talking about a Professional Safety Training for supermarket employees that need the DVC.
Help! Company Emergency Response Training for Super Markets.
This is a triple discs case from 1996 and created by Signum Informatie, it will train employees to be prepared for any kind of health emergency that can happen on a Super Market in The Netherlands.
The employee will do the test/exam alone, an employee number will be given to him (or he use his actual employee number) and using the virtual keypad on screen, he will identify himself to get his test recorded for a future “boss” verification. Then he will have to say if it is the first time he is doing this test or if he already did it.
Presented by a well-known presenter called Jan Douwe Kroeske, he will show you how to use the training CD-i title and also explain the different situations.
Actors (some famous in The Netherlands) will play roles as super market employees and create different situations in Digital Video. After each video you will have to choose between several options. Each right answer will be shown as a green light on the left vertical score line, and every wrong answer will light a red one.
This is a Dutch (The Netherlands) exclusive title, and only spoken in this language.
Super Markets and stores was aimed by this CD-i training disc, like:
Albert Heijn bv, De Boer Winkelbedrijven nv, Hermans Groepbv, Schuitema nv, Samenwerkende Dirk van den Broek Bedrijven.
Disc 1:
Introduction, First Aid 2, Test.
Disc 2:
First aid 1.
Disc 3:
Fire Evacuation.
You might also have seen, First Aid 1 is on disc 2 and First Aid 2 is on disc 1. But it is normal and even explained on the back cover:
Note: the chapters aren’t in order on the disc!
Surely for a question of space on the disc.
I have the same opinion as Blazers:
Games like this are why nobody will ever have a complete CD-i collection.