Interview Keith Lehman and Paul Day from Laser Lords
Quote from omegalfa on 03/01/2024, 20:04
CD-i Queen might be for sure the biggest Laser Lords fan I meet in my life.
In the last year, she was lucky enough to get in contact with Keith Lehman and Paul Day, two Spinnaker employees who worked on the production of the game and answered an interview.She (CD-i Queen) is planing to make an audio version of this interview in the future. She can be contacted on Twitter, Twitch and YouTube.
I hope you all enjoy reading my interview as much as I enjoyed coming up with the questions.
CDIQUEEN: Questions will be shown in black.
KEITH: Answers will be shown in blue.
PAUL: Answers will be shown in red.
Read the full interview here.
CD-i Queen might be for sure the biggest Laser Lords fan I meet in my life.
In the last year, she was lucky enough to get in contact with Keith Lehman and Paul Day, two Spinnaker employees who worked on the production of the game and answered an interview.
She (CD-i Queen) is planing to make an audio version of this interview in the future. She can be contacted on Twitter, Twitch and YouTube.
I hope you all enjoy reading my interview as much as I enjoyed coming up with the questions.
CDIQUEEN: Questions will be shown in black.
KEITH: Answers will be shown in blue.
PAUL: Answers will be shown in red.
Read the full interview here.