Chronicle #30: NFL – Instant Replay – 2 Player Head-to-Head – Review
The World of CD-i Chronicles #30
NFL – Instant Replay
I am going to review a game not well-known by many of you, especially if you are from Europe called NFL – Instant Replay.
I want to thank you Seventy7 (our website member) for sending me a copy of this title.
NFL means National Football League, but you might know in other-seas, football is in fact American Football… our football, in Europe, is Soccer in USA… Are you still with me…?
I am not a big fan of NFL, to be true, I only knew what is a Touchdown… but after playing this game, believe me, I know much better this fighting game… I mean… this sport game…! 😉
Produced by CapDisc and published by Philips Media of America (PIMA) in 1995, this is game is licensed by NFL, one of the most famous sports in the USA. CapDisc is also responsible for games like Mad Dog McCree™ and many other games available on CD-i.
This NFL title isn’t the only one available on CD-i, you also can find NFL – Hall of Fame Football, NFL – Football Trivia Challenge 93/94, NFL – Football Trivia Challenge 94/95 and also a special box called NFL – The Ultimate Football Collection – Triple Pack.
I have tried many titles along my CD-i life, but I never played any of the NFL ones, for the main reason I am not a fan of this sport.
I have to say I am absolutely astonished by this one, especially for the kind of gameplay.
We are talking about a game that you are the referee and have to decide what is the call of more than 300 actions.
After a cool little video intro, you will see this game logo.
Right after that, a referee will talk in a Full Motion Video (FMV) to you explaining the reason of being a referee and the difficulties of having the right answer for the right action in a few seconds…
The main menu is the cloakroom, this following image made me remember Mad Dog McCree™ main menu style with moving icons when clicking on it.
This game is a 2 player game, Head-to-Head, that means you can play alone or simultaneously with a friend.
Choose the jersey with number 1 for one player only, or the number 2 for Head-to-Head mode game.
The other options are the First Help box to listen the rules and the shower to exit the game.
To start a new game, choose the number of players and then click on the left door.
The game is now starting, I first tried the 1 player mode and chow you the 2 players later on.
The referee gives you some more information about what you have to do
You have to decide the right call of 16 actions. Each action represent 1 week, so the game will finish on week 16.
So, 1st question… a video starts on Full Motion with a duration of a few seconds, it is a action replay and after that you will see 4 possible answers.
To answer, look at the arrows near each possibilities. Keep pressing the directional pad of your choice and then press button 1 or 2 (the game only use 1 button).
You have 20 seconds to answer, if you don’t give an answer, no points.
After listen the referee (Pat Summerall) giving the right answer and explain why, if you still have some doubt, just click on rulling to read a short explanation from the NFL Rule Book. You also can watch again the action play by clicking on video.
On 2 player mode, the game is rolling the same but with one exception…
Both players have 20 seconds to answer, but instead of the answer being highlighted like on 1 player mode, now no answers will be known, this way both players can answer secretly. Only when the referee give the right answer, you will know who choose what.
At the end of the 16 weeks (questions) you will get this following screen. You have to give a minimum of 65% of good answers to be able to go to the next referee level.
I will never go further because I definitely don’t know the NFL rules… But if you finish with the minimum of 65%, then you you be called to be the referee of other leagues and if you are really got on this, then, be the referee of the Super Bowl match!
When you know the right answer, the referee placed on the left top, near your points will be animated, and depending of the right or wrong answer, he will do this:
- Waiting for the answer…
- Good answer!
- Wrong answer…
A right answer will gives you points, the same points as the seconds still remaining, so a fast good answer can gives you from 1 to 20 points, depending of your speed.
At the end of the 16 questions, ONLY the minimum of 65% matter, not the points.
When exiting the game, you will see the game’s credits.
I am really amazed by this game, especially by the way they design it, the way it works. I am still not a NFL fan, but I now know more rules of it.
My God, if CapDisc had done the same game but for soccer… the game had been a best-seller in Europe!
This game is not a Must Have, but you definitely have to play it because it deserves!
Other information:
– 2 players (Head-to-Head).
– Digital Video Cartridge required.
– Gamepad recommended.
CD-i Emulator Compatibility:
Not tested yet.
Good Points:
– 2 players.
– Fantastic for NFL lovers!
– Full Motion Action Replays.
Bad Points:
– Some old videos actions from the 80’s are in pretty bad quality.
– If you aren’t familiar with the NFL, you will be lost.
Graphics 9/10
Music 8/10
Gameplay 10/10
TOTAL 9/10
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Written by omegalfa, © 16/10/2020